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Showing posts from October, 2018

Know More on How to Learn Communication Hospitality

All employees who provide customer services—including managers, staff, receptionists, and housekeepers—need to learn communication hospitality. If you want to enter the hotel industry and build a thriving career, then you must develop your communication skills. How exactly do you start? Here are some effective ways.  Show respect to guests and co-workers  Being courteous and respectful to hotel guests is the foundation of good customer service. When you respect the person you are speaking with, not only you will say the right words—you will also do the right things.  Guests aren't the only ones who deserve your respect, but also your co-workers and subordinates. When there is a culture of respect within the team, everyone can communicate effectively and avoid misunderstandings.  Listen actively  Not all people who “talk a lot” are great communicators. Communication hospitality lets you learn the necessity of actively listening to what the person is truly saying.