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Online Language Courses vs Traditional Language Learning Platform

If you are deciding between traditional learning and online language courses, consider their pros and cons. In the current scenario, e-learning is the best substitute for an offline classroom setting. It is more desirable and logical because it offers distance learning, flexibility, and better opportunities. Here are some points to show the difference between the two learning platforms.

·         Flexibility

Traditional learning has a fixed location and specific timings wherein a teacher manages a limited number of students. In e-learning, there is no pressure for students to stay in class. They can study at their selected timings from the comfort of their home or office. Comparatively, online learning appears to be a more organised and easier way to learn a foreign language. It even saves your travelling time and costs as you don’t have to go anywhere.

·         Class interaction

Traditional classes involve face to face interaction among students and teachers. You can actively participate in asking questions, practise with classmates, and even meet the instructor personally. Conversations with people of similar interests provide a better opportunity to learn the language quickly. On the other hand, such interaction is not possible in e-learning. You will interact with your native instructor via live classes, emails, chats, forums, and webinars.

·         Medium of instructions

In an offline language course, a teacher delivers the lecture verbally or through visual aids. Here, both the students and instructors remain physically present. Nowadays, traditional classes use hi-tech virtual setups to make the instructions clear to the students. But in e-learning, arrays of tools are used like videos, graphs, presentations, audios, etc. Tech-savvy students find it easy to learn in a virtual environment.

·         Affordability

Though learning a foreign language is fun and rewarding, many students find the course expensive. Due to no travel costs and few logistical requirements, e-learning is more cost-effective than traditional training. A student having time and budget can join an offline language course for hands-on practical exposure. But if you are looking for a cheaper medium, use the virtual set up to learn a new language.


Today, more and more people are choosing to take their courses online instead of outmoded classrooms. Though both traditional and online language courses have unique features, you can opt for the most suitable one. In both cases, the course design, curriculum, and implementation are the same.


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